The other day a young lady who is very very dear to my heart (more than she will ever know) suffered one of the worst tragedies a young person can endure; her mother passed away very sudden and without warning. When I heard the news I was absolutely devastated because I care so much for her and I honestly can say I know exactly what she is going through. My father committed suicide when I was 17 and I remember what I went through. It was so surreal – “This is not really happening – he will walk through the door any minute and the bad dream will disappear. Then all the phone calls and well wishers, people that want to now do everything for you. It was fine at first but then I just wished everyone would go away and let me mourn in peace. It is a very difficult time when you lose the closest thing in the world to you and there is no quick way of getting over it as well. For me I lashed out and it took many years to finally realize what I was doing.
We sit there and say “Why Us – What did I do to deserve this?” – Unfortunately, and I hate to be so crass at this time but “It is what it is”. Life has no guarantees and how long it lasts is a crap shoot. If I may be so bold to offer a little advice to those who do go through this – “The person that you have lost did not choose this – do not feel anger towards them – do not think it is in any way your fault – just remember all the wonderful years you did have together and never ever forget all the good memories that you had. I still see things or hear things or even smell things that remind me of my father and they make me smile. I still tell people about my father and the stupid things he used to do. I still talk to him when I need that special person to use as a sounding board and most important to me, I think about him every day and it brings a smile to my face. He was also the most important person in my life. We must cherish and live everyday like it is the last day because it just may be. I have tried hard to do this over the 20 years or so and not let the little things around frustrate me. I kind of look at things and say “What can be worse than what I have gone though – so why let this bother me”.
So my young friend, if you read this please know that since I heard about your mother my thoughts have been constantly drifting back to you and even though I did not make the wake or funeral I have been mourning with you and praying for you. And if you ever need to talk or just want to bounce feeling off, I will always be here for you.
A little Irish poem I often recite to my father even now – and this is for your mother as well.
May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be ever at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
And the rain fall softly on your fields
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of his hand
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
Golf - the only sport you finish more frustrated than when started the round
Originally posted 2007-06-11
Well this past weekend was a wonderful weekend. I got to play golf 3 days in a row - what a treat (I did say what at treat - oh boy - I am honestly starting to believe that *LOL*). Just kidding, even though I am not playing well right now I am still having a wonderful time.
3 Years ago I joined a private club not far from where I live. The initiation fee was $25000 and it cost about $5000 year to play so I better love it to death *L*. The real neat thing about a private club is the people that work there treat you like royalty. It is always Mr this Mr that, they are always right there to get your clubs, get you a cart and in the lounge the girls and guys bend over backwards to make sure you are comfortable. I had a real hard time getting used to this and in many ways I still do. I am not used to having people do things like this for me and I am still not sure if I want them to but I know it is there job and they do it so well.
There is a young lady who works in the pro shop by the name of Courtney who I just love to death. This girl never stops smiling and is so friendly and when you come in after a bad round you can’t help but be cheered up a little by her. But I must say Courtney, we need to put a little meat on those bones *L*. Inside there is a young lady named Val who is very much like Courtney. I look forward to stopping for a bit to eat when she is there, just lover her smile.
Anyways back to the golf. On Friday I tried to qualify for the Senior Ryder Cup Team and finished 15th out of 16th – They were only taking the top 8 – Geez – me thinks I didn’t quite make it *L*. On Saturday and Sunday the game wasn’t much better as I shot in the 80’s. Now I say not very good, most people would love to shoot in the 80’s. For those of you who are golfers you will understand this, my handicap has jumped from a 3 to a 13 since the beginning of the year which means for my standards I absolutely suck at golf right now *L*. But I really believe that next weekend will be the breakout where I start playing well again (and I hear I have bought swamp land in Florida too *L*). Well the good part of Saturday and Sunday I get to play gold with my best friend Sandy. She is one of the top woman golfers in Ontario and she kicks my ass on a regular basis. I must say it is a great way to get rid of an ego real fast *L*. Sandy and I play golf together as much as we possibly can – I love the girl to death. My wife says Sandy is my second wife without benefits *L*. Anyways next weekend will be better and if not – the one after that will. *L*
Have a wonderful day
Well this past weekend was a wonderful weekend. I got to play golf 3 days in a row - what a treat (I did say what at treat - oh boy - I am honestly starting to believe that *LOL*). Just kidding, even though I am not playing well right now I am still having a wonderful time.
3 Years ago I joined a private club not far from where I live. The initiation fee was $25000 and it cost about $5000 year to play so I better love it to death *L*. The real neat thing about a private club is the people that work there treat you like royalty. It is always Mr this Mr that, they are always right there to get your clubs, get you a cart and in the lounge the girls and guys bend over backwards to make sure you are comfortable. I had a real hard time getting used to this and in many ways I still do. I am not used to having people do things like this for me and I am still not sure if I want them to but I know it is there job and they do it so well.
There is a young lady who works in the pro shop by the name of Courtney who I just love to death. This girl never stops smiling and is so friendly and when you come in after a bad round you can’t help but be cheered up a little by her. But I must say Courtney, we need to put a little meat on those bones *L*. Inside there is a young lady named Val who is very much like Courtney. I look forward to stopping for a bit to eat when she is there, just lover her smile.
Anyways back to the golf. On Friday I tried to qualify for the Senior Ryder Cup Team and finished 15th out of 16th – They were only taking the top 8 – Geez – me thinks I didn’t quite make it *L*. On Saturday and Sunday the game wasn’t much better as I shot in the 80’s. Now I say not very good, most people would love to shoot in the 80’s. For those of you who are golfers you will understand this, my handicap has jumped from a 3 to a 13 since the beginning of the year which means for my standards I absolutely suck at golf right now *L*. But I really believe that next weekend will be the breakout where I start playing well again (and I hear I have bought swamp land in Florida too *L*). Well the good part of Saturday and Sunday I get to play gold with my best friend Sandy. She is one of the top woman golfers in Ontario and she kicks my ass on a regular basis. I must say it is a great way to get rid of an ego real fast *L*. Sandy and I play golf together as much as we possibly can – I love the girl to death. My wife says Sandy is my second wife without benefits *L*. Anyways next weekend will be better and if not – the one after that will. *L*
Have a wonderful day
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
I am too old for this interview shit
About a month ago a job posting came out for an I.T. Manager where I work. I thought about it for a long time and decided to apply. Well today was the interview. Notice I said interview as in 1 but to my surprise I found out there were 18 people applying for the position - 18!!!!!! That is enough for almost a complete hockey team, or a complete basketball team – WOW!!!!!!!. Well any thoughts about getting the position kind of flew from my head but I thought – what the hell - funnier things have happened.
Ok, so let me regress a little bit leading up to the interview. When I found out the interview would be today I started doing a lot of research into the types of questions I would be asked. I was not worried about my skills as a manager as I have been in the position before, but I have not been to a manager type interview in a long long time. This morning came, I went into the office at 7am and proceeded to get as nervous (how do they say) as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs *L*. By the time the interview came, my head ached, I was sweating and thinking about not going – I could not believe myself – what a wimp *LOL*. It is only a friggin interview!!!!, if I do not get the job I am very content where I am, but still I am acting like this is the first interview I have ever been to. It really shows how fear of the unknown can really get to you no matter who you are. Well I walked into the room and was greeted by 3 very nice people who proceeded to ask me every question that I did not go over before the interview – Oh boy!!!. I’m thinkin, “these guys must have a different google than me cuz I thought I covered everything. And the last question kind of threw me a bit – it was – “Tell us something funny that happened to you” – Maybe another day I will let you in on the funny story.
After all that I think the interview went well except for one part that I bombed at and it will be interesting how much stalk they put in that part. It was in regards to the challenges the section I am trying to manage is going to have over the next few years. I should hve thought about this but it never crossed my mind. I told them if I get asked back for a second interview I would know the answers. Hopefully I will get another interview – will keep you posted.
Have a wonderful day
Ok, so let me regress a little bit leading up to the interview. When I found out the interview would be today I started doing a lot of research into the types of questions I would be asked. I was not worried about my skills as a manager as I have been in the position before, but I have not been to a manager type interview in a long long time. This morning came, I went into the office at 7am and proceeded to get as nervous (how do they say) as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs *L*. By the time the interview came, my head ached, I was sweating and thinking about not going – I could not believe myself – what a wimp *LOL*. It is only a friggin interview!!!!, if I do not get the job I am very content where I am, but still I am acting like this is the first interview I have ever been to. It really shows how fear of the unknown can really get to you no matter who you are. Well I walked into the room and was greeted by 3 very nice people who proceeded to ask me every question that I did not go over before the interview – Oh boy!!!. I’m thinkin, “these guys must have a different google than me cuz I thought I covered everything. And the last question kind of threw me a bit – it was – “Tell us something funny that happened to you” – Maybe another day I will let you in on the funny story.
After all that I think the interview went well except for one part that I bombed at and it will be interesting how much stalk they put in that part. It was in regards to the challenges the section I am trying to manage is going to have over the next few years. I should hve thought about this but it never crossed my mind. I told them if I get asked back for a second interview I would know the answers. Hopefully I will get another interview – will keep you posted.
Have a wonderful day
Friday, June 1, 2007
Why I like chat rooms
Have you ever stopped and noticed how people view others for the first time. If you walk by someone and you are good looking (male or female) you attract a longer stare than normal, if you are different in some way you also attract that longer stare, but if you are average or not good looking, overweight, or not appealing to that person you will notice the head will usually go down and the stare will be really short. Unfortunately our society basis it’s first impression on looks and not the qualities the person has inside.
Now I am sure you are thinking, how can we base first impressions on anything but looks when walking by someone. I say try it sometimes. Look directly at someone, smile, nod, say hello, talk on the elevator do not look at the appearance; try to look through the appearance. As I said in my profile I think my favourite saying is "You Can't Fix Stupid" and that is so true. As we get older our body parts have a tendency to change positions and looks head south for retirement, but the mind only gets better. And this is why I like chat rooms.
When you enter a chat room and start talking to people you have no idea of who they are, what they do, what they look like; are they short, tall, fat, skinny, blonde, redhead, voluptuous, well-endowed, bald, bearded, handicapped. Same on your side, people do not have a pre-conceived idea of you, so to be yourself and not have to live up to someone else’s expectations is a lot easier for you. You do not have to impress. If you do not like the people you can leave the room and never go back and nothing is lost. If you do like them you stay and get to know them. And the neat thing about this – it is not based on looks – you actually took some time to get to know the person and many times some great friendships come out of this (even though mostly just online) based on the person’s personality not on their looks.
Now I am definitely not suggesting your whole world becomes chat rooms, you still need to develop strong social skills because our world is not very user friendly when it comes to people but they do give us a little alternative to the reality we live in 24 hours a day.
Have a wonderful day
Now I am sure you are thinking, how can we base first impressions on anything but looks when walking by someone. I say try it sometimes. Look directly at someone, smile, nod, say hello, talk on the elevator do not look at the appearance; try to look through the appearance. As I said in my profile I think my favourite saying is "You Can't Fix Stupid" and that is so true. As we get older our body parts have a tendency to change positions and looks head south for retirement, but the mind only gets better. And this is why I like chat rooms.
When you enter a chat room and start talking to people you have no idea of who they are, what they do, what they look like; are they short, tall, fat, skinny, blonde, redhead, voluptuous, well-endowed, bald, bearded, handicapped. Same on your side, people do not have a pre-conceived idea of you, so to be yourself and not have to live up to someone else’s expectations is a lot easier for you. You do not have to impress. If you do not like the people you can leave the room and never go back and nothing is lost. If you do like them you stay and get to know them. And the neat thing about this – it is not based on looks – you actually took some time to get to know the person and many times some great friendships come out of this (even though mostly just online) based on the person’s personality not on their looks.
Now I am definitely not suggesting your whole world becomes chat rooms, you still need to develop strong social skills because our world is not very user friendly when it comes to people but they do give us a little alternative to the reality we live in 24 hours a day.
Have a wonderful day
Thursday, May 31, 2007
For a good time call on The Local Corner Pub
Back in the mid to late 90’s and early 2000’s I was traveling a lot for work and found myself in some wonderful nightlife hotspots like Cochrane Ontario, Fort Wayne Indiana and many many more. These can be very boring times but luckily I came across this chat room on the Internet called Cyber City Café. So no matter where I was I always had someone to talk to. I met some great friends there and we actually got together one year in St. Louis. It was so cool to meet people I had talked to. They actually came in from all around the world for this event.
Anyways, the room shut down and I got away from online chatting for quite a while until a few weeks ago when I stumbled across this room called The Local Corner Pub. It is an MSN Group located at . The neat thing about this group is that it is for those over 35 and you must be invited to join. The criteria for joining are not too tough; over 35, your first born and a urine sample *L* - just kidding – they will take your second born instead *L*. You send them an email on why you would like to join and if they like your response they will invite to join.
So what makes this room so good?? Well that is easy – the people – I have met some incredible people to this point; ones like acdc (the creator and owner of the site), sweetie, rainbow, sailor and still have many to meet. These people love to have fun and are very much uninhibited as the conversation gets a little – should I say – interesting at times *LOL*. I find myself looking forward to going in and talking to them. They are probably going to kill me but I am sure some the room’s exploits will make it to this blog *L*. You should come and gives us a try, I think you will really enjoy yourself. Drinks and Grapes are supplied :)
Have a wonderful day
Anyways, the room shut down and I got away from online chatting for quite a while until a few weeks ago when I stumbled across this room called The Local Corner Pub. It is an MSN Group located at . The neat thing about this group is that it is for those over 35 and you must be invited to join. The criteria for joining are not too tough; over 35, your first born and a urine sample *L* - just kidding – they will take your second born instead *L*. You send them an email on why you would like to join and if they like your response they will invite to join.
So what makes this room so good?? Well that is easy – the people – I have met some incredible people to this point; ones like acdc (the creator and owner of the site), sweetie, rainbow, sailor and still have many to meet. These people love to have fun and are very much uninhibited as the conversation gets a little – should I say – interesting at times *LOL*. I find myself looking forward to going in and talking to them. They are probably going to kill me but I am sure some the room’s exploits will make it to this blog *L*. You should come and gives us a try, I think you will really enjoy yourself. Drinks and Grapes are supplied :)
Have a wonderful day
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Dancing is supposed to be fun
Well last night was a fun night - NOT!!! *L*. I love to dance and am taking Salsa lessons every Tuesday night (or atleast I have been until last night). The one thing I already knew but refused to admit was that at my age, and because you are taking these lessons for your love of dance and not to hit the club scene, it is important you have a partner to go to classes with and practice during the week. There is nothing more enjoyable to me than dancing with someone who is smiling and really enjoying themselves, they do not have to be a great dancer but at least be able to feel the beat and follow, and of course dancing with the one who is really good and also has a huge smile on their face.
When I first started taking Salsa I met this pretty young lady named Becky who not only is a wonderful person but an incredible dancer. I absolutely loved dancing with her and became quite spoiled. Well last night I got to see the real good and real bad of taking dance classes on your own. There are 2 ladies at the class I am taking that are absolutely fantastic. Misha loves to dance and has the biggest smile when she does and there is JenAnne who is a fantastic person and also a great dancer. When I dance with them I am really really enjoying it and for the last few weeks they have been my main partners. Last night - can you say "Twilight Zone". I had 5 different partners, Misha and JenAnne and - THEN - a lady who needs to lead, a young lady who has as much enthusiasm of a prisoner on garbage pick-up and the third a complete B with an itch. A very fun evening turned into a real downer. I left class not really wanting to return and that really has not changed this morning. I have to realize that taking lessons on my own is not a good thing and since my wife does not dance and until I find a partner, I think I will just stay away.
Now saying that, I really enjoy Salsa but have completely fallen in love with West Coast Swing and really want to get into this. So I am tempted to forget everything that happened last night and try again alone - can you say friggin fickle *LOL*. I think though I may have a partner for West Coast Swing - I will ask them this weekend. If this person says yes I know it will be a great time. If not, I will still be looking for a dance partner, so if there are any ladies who read this blog (and that is a stretch *L*) and are interested in taking West Coast Swing and you love to dance, send me a line. If you are not sure what West Coast Swing is check U -Tube they have some great videos on there. I will put a few links here for you to check it out
Have a wonderful Day
When I first started taking Salsa I met this pretty young lady named Becky who not only is a wonderful person but an incredible dancer. I absolutely loved dancing with her and became quite spoiled. Well last night I got to see the real good and real bad of taking dance classes on your own. There are 2 ladies at the class I am taking that are absolutely fantastic. Misha loves to dance and has the biggest smile when she does and there is JenAnne who is a fantastic person and also a great dancer. When I dance with them I am really really enjoying it and for the last few weeks they have been my main partners. Last night - can you say "Twilight Zone". I had 5 different partners, Misha and JenAnne and - THEN - a lady who needs to lead, a young lady who has as much enthusiasm of a prisoner on garbage pick-up and the third a complete B with an itch. A very fun evening turned into a real downer. I left class not really wanting to return and that really has not changed this morning. I have to realize that taking lessons on my own is not a good thing and since my wife does not dance and until I find a partner, I think I will just stay away.
Now saying that, I really enjoy Salsa but have completely fallen in love with West Coast Swing and really want to get into this. So I am tempted to forget everything that happened last night and try again alone - can you say friggin fickle *LOL*. I think though I may have a partner for West Coast Swing - I will ask them this weekend. If this person says yes I know it will be a great time. If not, I will still be looking for a dance partner, so if there are any ladies who read this blog (and that is a stretch *L*) and are interested in taking West Coast Swing and you love to dance, send me a line. If you are not sure what West Coast Swing is check U -Tube they have some great videos on there. I will put a few links here for you to check it out
Have a wonderful Day
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Welcome to rhetoric of a late-middle age pre-adolescent
Ok you came here because you wondered what the hell the title meant, well sorry to disappoint but it don't mean diddly-squat to what is posted here *L* - Sorry!!, but then again do my thoughts really mean anything to anyone else but me? - good Question - I guess I will find out over the next while if anyone post responses. So over the next little while I will start posting all the good, bad, ridiculous, ludicrous and heaven forbid thoughtful blogs.
Have a wonderful day
Have a wonderful day
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