Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Well a New Year has started pushing out a wonderful 2008. A lot of great things happened to me over this past year and I can honestly say there were no major (or even minor) catastrophes. As the song says "Life Don't Get Much Better Than This". Most of the good things happened around dance but not all.

Let's see:

- I took up West Coast Swing (I am so thankful to Willa for getting me started)
- I met a wonderful teacher in Julie
- I went to my first WCS event (and placed second in Newcomer JnJ with the gorgeous Shelley A.)
- I met another wonderful Shelley in March, danced with her and hated it cuz I was not ready to dance with someone at her level, and then re-met her in July and have loved dancing with her ever since
- Joined the group at DoverCourt for Tuesday night dances - have gained a new circle of friends that I cherish very much.
- Went to my first out of country WCS event called SwingNiagara. Had the time of my life and even made finals (didn't deserve to but still - how kewl is that *L*)
- I met the most wonderful person in the world (well they are to me *L*) and hopefully this person will become my dance partner for a long time - I'm working on it *L*
- Had my knee operated on Yuck!!! - But it was needed, Everything seems to be fine

There were many more great things but I will leave it at that. I just hope 2009 brings me as much joy and pleasure.

And to cap off the wonderful year, I am sitting in a motel room in Syracuse New York after spending a fantastic evening of dancing with my friends from Toronto and my new friends from around Western New York and writing this blog at 5 o'clock in the MORNING!! Why am I writing this at 5 in the MORNING???? Because I have a roommate that SNORES!!!!! so loudly even putting in my headphones from my Itouch and turning up the volume I can still hear him!!!! Man, I wish the ear was a switch. I was walk over and turn down the volume. *L* So as the saying goes "No Sleep for the wicked" *L*. If that is the worst thing to happen this holiday, I have been pretty lucky. The only thing I have missed on this New Years trip is my new found friend and hopeful dance partner. If she ever reads this (which I am sure she never will) know I was thinking about you

Have a wonderful holiday
